07 3808 8240

Automatic Palletiser Machine

JPH Enterprises Pty Ltd has built a complete fully automated Palletiser Machine. Starting with the Customer’s ideas and request of providing an automated bottle packing machine which would allow a pallet to be individually dispensed and automatically loaded and then the load strapped. This machine will dispense a pallet and have it conveyed into the Palletiser Unit, where the doors will close and the pallet raised to the loading table level. The Unit will dispense a Layer Pad directly onto the pallet before loading the first layer of bottles. Once the first layer of bottle is pushed onto the pallet another Layer Pad will be automatically placed on this first layer of bottles and then the Unit will lower the pallet to position to receive the next layer of bottles. Once completed the loaded pallet is conveyed out of the Unit past the pallet dispenser to a strapping unit where the load is then strapped and then conveyed to the end ready for the fork lift transportation. While the load is being strapped another pallet is dispensed to start the cycle over again.